Current projects include Los Angeles County Metro Construction Management Support Services on Rail Projects, Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail/Subway Project & Program Management Support Services; SANDAG Oceanside Transit Center & Midcoast Corridor Rail projects.
Metro Division 14 Operations & Maintenance Facility
Santa Monica, California
Project Description
Metro Division 14 is a 10 acre light rail vehicle Maintenance & Operations Facility located in Santa Monica, California, that was built by Design/Bid/Build delivery. The project includes a maintenance and repair shop and administration facility (Main Building, including breakroom, offices, conference rooms, restrooms, control room), blow-down facility, drive through wash building, double-track interior vehicle cleaning platform, overhead catenary systems, traction power substation, six light rail vehicle storage tracks for 15 three-car consists, a through track, a runaround track, and parking and site landscaping/civil improvements.
Firm Role
DE provided project management, change administration and negotiation, project controls, estimating, claims avoidance, systems resident engineer, systems oversight, MEP inspection, train signal inspection, and closeout as a subconsultant to the Prime CM firm. Work included change management, negotiation of cost changes, inspection and oversight of systems field integration tests, systems installation and startup, including communications, traction power, overhead catenary and train control & signalling systems, inspection and oversight of building mechanical, plumbing & electrical systems, and key member to Expo Authority closeout team.
Expo Light Rail Phase 1
Los Angeles & Culver City, California
Project Description
Expo Phase 1 is a Design/Build Light Rail project that includes 7 at grade and 3 aerial stations, bridges, a bike path, and a cut and cover grade separation at the University of Southern California. Finish electrical, systems, architectural, finishes and bridges at Farmdale Station in Los Angeles and Culver City Station in Culver City, associated building demolition, new security compound at Farmdale, and bike path, and parking lots adjacent to Culver Station were removed from Phase 1 Design/Build (D/B) contractor after bridge substructure installation and built Design/Bid/Build (D/B/B) by other contractorz under several separate D/B/B contracts, including added roadway restoration and improvements.
Firm Role
DE provided project management, change administration/negotiation, project controls, estimating, claims avoidance, electrical inspection and systems oversight on the four D/B/B projects, which were the only Expo Phase 1 projects to be completed on time, despite partial work performed by the predecessor contractor and challenges resolving design and construction coordination in the field in order for follow on contractor to complete the work. Two of these projects were completed within 8% of the original contract value and the other two for under the initial contract value, and all four with no compensable time extensions and no claims, despite those significant challenges. DE’s systems staff performed systems oversight on the entire Expo Phase 1 alignment (D/B project).
Feature 3
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